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Google has announced the launch of a new feature in Google Workspace that will make it even easier to find your co-workers online especially if you work at a larger organization.

While everyone at a startup may know each other by name, those at larger organizations with distributed workforces often find it difficult to track down others at their company. This is why Google has made it possible to use People Search in Google Cloud Search to find other employees within your organization using a simple search query.

With People Search, you can easily search for a person based on any profile attribute such as their name, email, location or roles according to a new post in the Google Workspace blog.

Say for instance that you know that one of your co-workers is named John and that he’s a product manager but don’t know his last name, email address or other information, you can input these profile attributes into People Search and Google’s new tool will do the rest of the work for you.

After entering a few profile attributes and hitting search, People Search in Google Cloud Search will present the results of your query at the top of the search results.

From here, you just need to click on a user’s profile to see their contact card where you’ll find additional profile details including any recent interactions with that person.

Even with one of the best online collaboration tools installed on your devices, collaborating with teams across your organization can be difficult if you can’t find the right person. With People Search in Google Cloud Search though, members of your organization can quickly find out information about other employees including their role, team, department, desk location and more.

This feature is now available to all Google Workspace users and is turned on by default. However, People Search in Cloud Search can still be disabled at the domain level if an organization decides not to make this useful new tool available to its employees.

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