iPad Eighth Generation (32GB) | $300 | Amazon
iPad Eighth Generation (128GB) | $395 | Amazon


Every time I see an iPad deal, I’m reminded of this tweet from Washington Post reporter Gene Park. Also the NY Times article he’s referencing, but mostly his tweet. The iPad has supplanted our TVs as the main TV- and movie-watching device of the house. It’s an all-in-one distraction, and you can pick up the latest base model in 32GB for $300 on Amazon, a $30 cut. The 128GB version is also down to $395.


Between its 10.2-inch Retina display, the ageing but still pretty fast A12 Bionic processor, and up to 10 hours of battery life, there’s a lot to love about the iPad. It’s the latest model and it’s got plenty of character despite the lack of storage space.

This deal was originally posted by Gabe Carey in June 2020 and updated by Quentyn Kennemer with new information on 9/24/2020.


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