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The Complete Guide to Puppy and Dog Training bundle is on sale for under £25.
The Complete Guide to Puppy and Dog Training bundle is on sale for under £25.

Image: pexels

TL;DR: The Complete Guide to Puppy and Dog Training bundle is on sale for £23.57 as of July 25, saving you 97% on list price.

Remember March? Although it feels like a lifetime ago, it has somehow only been four months. That’s when we all started realising just what lockdown really meant: loneliness. As a result, pet adoption inquiries boomed and many centres actually ran out of adoptable animals. Seriously. It was the feel-good pandemic story we all needed.

If you’re one of those new pet owners, you may just now be realising you have no idea what you’re doing. Don’t worry, we’ve got just the thing: this Complete Guide to Puppy and Dog Training bundle. 

Through eight courses and 12 hours of training led by dog and puppy expert Sharon Bolt, this course bundle covers everything from optimum diet and communication techniques to leash training and behavioral issues.

Got a puppy that cries and howls throughout the night? There’s a lesson for that. Does your new four-legged friend not play well with your other pets? You’ll discover just how to recognise dominant and submissive signals so you can avoid potential scuffles. There’s even a course on running a dog training business – you know, in case you find that you’re oddly good at this. 

Originally £910, you can save well over 90% and get this training guide for just £23.57.

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