The year 2020 was long and treacherous, but the biggest bright spot for me was the official launch of Neural. That’s our AI sub-brand here at TNW and the section you’re reading this article in.

More specifically, Neural is me (Tristan Greene), Thomas Macaulay, Ivan Mehta, and the contributors and colleagues who help us put out fresh, original, exciting content in the world of machine learning every day.

It was a tough year to be a reporter but Thomas and Ivan managed to exceed our expectations at every turn with incredible insight and consistent excellence. With that in mind, I’m proud to present some of my favorite articles from Tom and Ivan this year.

Between the two of them they covered some of the biggest events, breakthroughs, and stories in the world of machine learning and artificial intelligence. But, more importantly, they provided keen insight and analysis that you won’t find anywhere else. And they also adhered to our biggest principal here at Neural: we cover AI for humans (not robots, businesses, or governments).

So, if you’ll indulge me, here’s an “Editor’s Choice” list of just a few of the many articles my team published this year.

But first, here’s my contribution:

Stories pictured above here and here.

Ivan Mehta

Thomas Macaulay

And those are just a small sample of the wonderful work we’ve put out here at Neural. Check back in with us in 2021 where we’ll continue to bring you news, analysis, and trusted opinions on the world of machine learning and its impact on humans.

Published December 29, 2020 — 22:00 UTC

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