Google today announced that users in India can search for coronavirus testing centers through Search, Assistant, and Maps. The company has worked with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and MyGov to list these centers.

Here’s how you can find a test center:

  • Go to Google Search or Maps and type in “Coronavirus testing” or “COVID-19 testing.”
  • Click on the Testing tab.
  • You can see test labs near you listed with details such as if the lab is government-operated or private and if you need a referral from authorities to get tested.
  • You can call India‘s coronavirus helpline at 1075 to know the requirements to get tested at these labs.
Google Maps India

Google says it has integrated 700 test labs in 300 cities till now. And you can search for these labs in nine languages including English, Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi, and Gujarati.

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