Each day that Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine, the number of people impacted by the war grows. WIRED’s coverage of the conflict has highlighted transformative uses of social media, from the messiness of TikTok to increased reliance on Telegram. Senior writer Matt Burgess reported how volunteer cybersecurity professionals in Ukraine are fighting online against Russia.

If you are watching the invasion unfold from afar and searching for ways to aid the people of Ukraine, we have rounded up eight organizations working in the area that could use your financial support. Many of these groups are providing direct assistance, like food and first aid, to people displaced by the war. Other donation options on this list include a Ukrainian news organization and groups working to alleviate the lasting impacts of armed conflict.

The Ukrainian Red Cross

Established in 1918, the Ukrainian Red Cross notably helped victims of the Chernobyl disaster. Currently, it is providing medicine, bedding, food, mental health support, first aid lessons, and other direct assistance to Ukrainians. The group recently posted on Twitter about giving food and water to thousands of civilians as they took shelter underground in public transportation stations.

Voices of Children

Voices of Children works with psychologists and is committed to helping children who are traumatized by war. The group’s website shares harrowing stories from young people about their wartime experiences. Voices of Children’s art therapy program is designed as a safe space where kids can work through complicated emotions and feel supported.

Revived Soldiers Ukraine

For those who survive, the brutality of war leaves many soldiers permanently wounded. Revived Soldiers Ukraine is a nonprofit dedicated to assisting injured soldiers through rehabilitation. Part of Revived Soldiers Ukraine’s work is helping with treatment and transportation fees for expensive, necessary medical procedures.

The Kyiv Independent

International journalism from outsiders has its limitations. If you want to support reporters living in Ukraine, The Kyiv Independent is a local English-language news organization. A fresh venture from professional journalists, it has recently featured articles covering refugee crossings and wartime casualties. The crowdfunded publication relies on over 4,000 Patreon backers to fund its journalism.


Launched as a way to distribute surplus army rations after World War II, this nonprofit was originally called the Cooperative for American Remittances in Europe. As the scope of charitable work broadened, the group kept the acronym but updated its meaning to the Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere. The CARE website page for its Ukrainian crisis fund states, “Our priority is to meet the immediate needs of affected families through the distribution of critical food and water supplies, as well as hygiene kits, cash assistance, and psychosocial support.”

International Medical Corps

The International Medical Corps works with local staff to offer emergency support around the globe. According to the IMC, the nonprofit’s first involvement with Ukrainian aid happened in 1999. The group’s efforts are growing in Ukraine and are centered around providing medical help, mental health assistance, services for people impacted by gender-based violence, and pandemic prevention.

Save the Children

Started during the aftermath of World War I, Save the Children assists young people internationally, as well as in America. The nonprofit has extensively aided children impacted by war in Afghanistan and Yemen. Save the Children has a relief fund specifically for helping Ukrainian kids and says it is helping refugees who are in Romania.

World Central Kitchen

Spanish chef José Andrés founded World Central Kitchen over 10 years ago, and the organization has served millions of meals to those in crisis around the globe. According to the nonprofit, WCK is active in Poland and feeding Ukrainian refugees crossing the border. Andrés is very active on social media and has posted multiple videos highlighting bakeries and food trucks providing nourishment to people in need. Emergency food efforts are core to the organization’s mission, and it is also dedicated to assisting people who are impacted by climate change.

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