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With Zoom calls, your computer’s main camera displays you and your surroundings. That’s fine if you want to appear as yourself in your normal office, bedroom, or kitchen. But that’s boring. Instead, add some spice to your appearance and backgrounds with the Snap camera app.

Made by the company behind Snapchat, this app gives you a variety of fun filters that add effects to your face and background, from simple add-ons to those that change your entire appearance. A few will even transform your face and background.

Snap Camera is available as a dedicated program, so you can set it up on your PC. By using Snap Camera and Zoom at the same time, you can experiment with a variety of different filters, and your appearance changes in Zoom for everyone else to see. Here’s how to set it up.

Set Up Snap Camera

If you don’t already have it, download and install the Zoom Client for Meetings software. Next, download and install the Snap Camera app. Open the Snap Camera app to see yourself in the camera viewer. Find the filter you wish to use by browsing among the different categories or searching for them by typing a term in the Search field.

After you’ve settled on a filter, open Zoom and join or start a meeting. At the video screen, change the camera source Zoom will use. Click the arrow next to the Start Video button and select Snap Camera to switch from the default camera to the app. 

Change Filters

Now click Start Video to turn your video on, and you should see your face with the Snap filter applied. You can then change the filter anytime during the Zoom meeting. Position the Snap Camera app so it’s next to the Zoom app and easier to handle. Click a different filter in Snap Camera, and your face in Zoom will take on that filter.

To return to your normal appearance and background, click the filter you just selected. To turn off Snap Camera altogether, close the Snap Camera app. Return to your Zoom video window, click the arrow next to the Video button again, and switch the source back to your main camera.

If you want the Snap Camera filters to be available every time you load Windows, open the Snap Camera app and click the Settings icon in the upper right. Turn on the switch that says Run Snap Camera on System Startup. Now the app will automatically start up when you turn on Windows, ensuring everything is ready to go for your next Zoom call.

This article originally published at PCMag

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