TLDR: The 2021 Ultimate GitOps Certification Bundle includes 11 courses aimed at speeding up and improving the development process for cloud-native app builds.

Developers don’t often have the luxury of time. They not only need to deploy their work fast, they need to be constantly updating and refining that work even after it’s been set forth into the world. 

Cloud native tools have made it easier and quicker for developers to run those apps in virtually any environment using concepts like containers, service meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and more. 

That refinement of cloud-based development led directly to the creation of GitOps, a process for building, testing, and releasing apps with greater speed and reliability all though the use of Git, one of the most popular systems anywhere for tracking software development changes during creation.

With the training in The 2021 Ultimate Git Ops Certification Bundle ($34.99, over 90 percent off, from TNW Deals), you’ll have all the knowledge needed to handle that continuous deployment for Cloud-native apps, a sure-to-grow segment of all web creation projects.

This collection of 11 courses is packed with almost 100 hours of training in everything Git and GitOps-related, working through the GitOps process steps through to the various tools that help make the smarter, faster GitOps deployment pipeline possible.

The training begins with building blocks as courses like Learn to Code with Python help users get familiar with using the Python programming language, before The Quickest 2021 Guide to Develop Your Web without Code Skills walks students through simple steps for getting a solid site up and running with minimal fuss and hassle. 

Since Git is at the heart of everything GitOps, as many as four courses here delve deep into Git operations.  Git Essentials for Beginners and Git and GitHub for Beginners: Practical Bootcamp open up the learning, while Git and GitHub Version Control and Collaboration explore how Git keeps projects on track and help avoid cataclymsic errors that can sink an entire product run.

The collection is rounded out with courses covering some of GitOps’ most instrumental components, including courses covering how to use Kubernetes, Git SQL, Heroku and more.

With training valued at $2,200, The 2021 Ultimate GitOps Certification Bundle is a steal right now at just over $3 per course, only $34.99.

Prices are subject to change.

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