Donald Trump turned 74 on Sunday. So, naturally, people celebrated the occasion by tweeting about the person who perhaps gets under his skin the most: Barack Obama. (Sunday was also Flag Day, but we feel like that wasn’t the impetus here.)
The former president trended on the platform for much of the day, frequently under hashtags like #BarackObamaDay, #ObamaDayUSA, and #ObamaDayJune14th. Users tweeted corny praise for the former president alongside statements about Trump’s incompetence. Some were oblique: “Smart intelligence leadership. I miss that every day,” one person wrote. Others were more pointed: “Best president in my lifetime. Right @realdonaldtrump? You’re the worst,” wrote another.
Still others made references to Saturday’s ramp fiasco, when Trump stepped gingerly down a ramp after his West Point graduation speech, got made fun of, then lied about it being slippery in a later tweet. One user, for example, tweeted a photo of Obama walking down a “slippery wet sidewalk.”
While not explicitly related to Obama, #AllBirthdaysMatter — a troll-y reference to the dismissive slogan “All lives matter,” which is often employed in attempts to discredit the Black Lives Matter movement — also trended briefly above Trump’s birthday. Of course, the K-pop fans participated.
Like most Resistance Twitter trends, the tweets skewed largely corny, were very reductive, and suffered from an overuse of hashtags. But Trump also takes the bait on this kind of thing all the time, so perhaps it genuinely bothered him. In any event, we’re sure the Krassenstein brothers would be proud.