The U.S. has continued to spin out of control this week, struggling with massive unemployment, increasing coronavirus deaths, and a presidentially praised doctor who believes in demon sperm. All of this is horrific, and will have devastating consequences for years to come. But if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that things can always get worse.
Taking to Twitter once again, President Donald Trump has now suggested delaying the election in November — something that, as Late Night host Seth Meyers pointed out on Thursday, he legally cannot do.
“The Constitution gives Congress, and only Congress, the power to set the election date,” said Meyers. “All of which of course will be news to Trump. If you locked him in a room and told him to read the Constitution you’d come back five minutes later to find it tucked into his shirt like a bib while he wolfs down on a bunch of uncooked Goya products.”
Despite the unconstitutional nature of Trump’s suggestion, Republican politicians have predictably been skirting around the issue, yet again unwilling to acknowledge that the president is straight up wrong. Some have even tried to play off his comments as a joke, which is exactly the kind of attitude that allows Trump to continue undermining America’s democracy with impunity.
“Trump isn’t clever and he certainly doesn’t joke,” said Meyers. “He floats things and then he sees if he can get away with it, and only if everyone freaks out he suddenly claims it’s a joke. He’s like a husband who tells his wife and her sister, ‘We should have a threesome — that’s funny, right? Unless…'”