Tucker Carlson Offers to Pay for Alex Berenson’s Twitter Lawsuit

Berenson added he believes he has “a First Amendment claim in that Twitter is sort of a modern town square,” the Daily Beast wrote, and that the company “defamed me by saying my information is inaccurate.” He also plugged his Substack, which is $60 a year for annual members but encourages $300 a year for “Founding Member” status.


“I hope you sue the crap out of these totalitarians,” Carlson responded. “I hope you do, and if you do, I hope you come back and tell us how to buy popcorn and watch.”

After Berenson claimed that many people “want to be a part of this and fund the lawsuit,” Carlson suggested he could open up his own wallet: “I want to fund it. I do. I mean that.” Berenson demurred, saying he’d rather someone who is rich pay for it.


Wow! Inspiring. You can’t fake this kind of generosity, folks. Let’s all slow clap for Alex, Tucker, and the novel coronavirus as they walk down the aisle of friendship (absent, of course, the estimated 4.5 million+ people are dead worldwide due to the pandemic, including 637,000 in the U.S. alone, many of whom would likely be alive today if they’d received one of the coronavirus vaccines Berenson keeps trying to scare people about).

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