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Building a community can be difficult especially when you’re working from home or looking for a new job which is why LinkedIn is introducing newsletters to its platform.

Last year, the professional social network debuted Articles for Pages to make it easier for its users to publish long-form content to help spark conversations and drive greater engagement. Now though, LinkedIn is building on this idea with newsletters.

With LinkedIn’s newsletters, all of your Page followers receive an automatic, one-time notification every time you create a new newsletter. However, you can also share your content outside of the company’s platform to increase viewership.

Once your newsletter is up and running, you can create a community of opt-in subscribers that receive on-platform and email notifications whenever new content is published. The best thing about LinkedIn’s new newsletter feature though is that it’s free which means you don’t need to sign up for LinkedIn Premium to begin building a community on the company’s platform.

Simplified Campaign Manager

In addition to newsletters, LinkedIn has also released a more intuitive Campaign Manager experience to help its users manage their advertising campaigns.

The company’s updated Campaign Manager features streamlined navigation with menu items that mirror a typical campaign lifecycle: Plan, Advertise, Test, Analyze. This lets users spend less time managing and more time executing successful campaigns on LinkedIn.

If you’re running campaigns for multiple accounts on LinkedIn, Campaign Manager also lets you quickly toggle between them right from the top of its menu.

Whether you want to build a community of like-minded individuals or reach even more customers, LinkedIn has you covered with its latest round of updates.

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