Maisie Williams – also known as Arya Stark, daughter of Lady Catelyn and Lord Eddard, acolyte of the Faceless Men, you know the one – is considering buying some bitcoins. 

On Monday, she asked her Twitter followers whether she should “go long on bitcoin” (going long, in traders’ lingo, means betting that bitcoin’s value will go up). Of course, this little poll caused an onslaught of memes and one-liners never before seen on this world or the world of Westeros. 

Game of Thrones references abound in those answers. We’ve seen everything from Jaqen H’ghar quotes, to nods towards Hodor (he holds the door, so he’d probably be good at *hodling* bitcoins), to endless talk of crypto winter…basically, there’s nothing you can think of that’s not already there in those replies. Here’s a sampling below. 

But there was one man, one memelord, who towered above the rest. I speak, of course, of Elon Musk, the CEO of 17 multi-billion-dollar companies that somehow has time to shitpost on the internet. But you have to hand it to the man, he’s had one of the better replies in the thread. Here goes:

Yes, not only is Musk intentionally mixing up Witcher lore with Game of Thrones lore, he also made us all remember that dreadful song from the Witcher which somehow lodges in your ear as soon as you read those words (he also added a clever bitcoin pun for good measure). Well played, sir. 

Maisie Williams asks about Bitcoin. Memefest ensues, and Elon Musk joins the party.

Image: twitter

And if you’re wondering what the wisdom of crowd told Maisie in that poll…the result is currently quite indecisive, with 51 percent of people saying she should go long on bitcoin, and 49 percent going the other way. Damn you, internet.

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