Michael Keaton Teases Vulture: Spider-Man Cameo?

Now, coming mere days after a Spider-villain packed trailer for Spider-Man: No Way Home, our immediate thought was “Oh my god, is he filming scenes for No Way Home?” Sure, the movie is out in less than a month, but filming for superhero movies—in particular, tag scenes that can just be inserted into the credits—can and has happened very last minute. Back in 2012, Joss Whedon famously filmed the shawarma-eating tag scene for The Avengers during the press junket, within days of release. There’s precedent there.

Plus, and this is a bit more of a stretch, but there is a new Spider-Man: No Way Home Lego set that has the Vulture in it, and while it doesn’t quite look to be movie-specific, Spider-Man is wearing his black and gold suit which you saw him wearing in the new trailer. So maybe that’s a hint to a scene we haven’t seen yet?

And yet, we don’t think he’s in No Way Home. Mostly because a few weeks before the Spider-Man trailer, Keaton was already confirmed to appear in another upcoming Spider-Man movie: Morbius. He appeared in the new trailer alongside Jared Leto’s character and some kind of pick up shots for that movie, which isn’t out until early next year, certainly seem much more plausible. But, of course, that he appears in any of these movies certainly hints that Vulture will once again show down with the kid who took his daughter to the Homecoming dance.

What do you think Keaton was filming this week? What do you wish he was filming truth, be dammed? Tell us below. Spider-Man: No Way Home opens in theaters December 17. Morbius opens January 28, 2022. And The Flash opens November 4, 2022.

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