Who Is the ‘A-Team’ That Rescued the La Palma Dogs?

Finding out who is part of the so-called A-Team or how they got the dogs out likely won’t happen any time soon, primarily because they broke the law to do so. The area near where the dogs were trapped had been declared an “exclusion zone” and sealed off by Spanish authorities. Admitting they entered the zone, even if it was for a good cause, could open members of the dog rescue team up to fines or further punishment.

Days after it announced the rescue last month, the A-Team released another video to show that the dogs were alright and that they were being cared for and fed. The mysterious group then turned over the dogs to the government’s agency for animal rights, which said the canines were “in perfect health.”

Yet, even when handing over the dogs, the A-Team did not break their cover. The Spanish agency for animal rights said that members of the group called veterinarians and gave them a location, El País reported. Once officials got there, the animals were safe and sound.


“We have no idea how they carried out the rescue,” Sergio García, head of the animal rights agency, said.

García explained at the time that authorities were still trying to figure out what to do with the dogs. Given that they were in good health and that the majority had identification tags, the dogs would surely be able to return to their owners, he said.


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