Morrisons online was hit hard by the surge in demand for online food delivery orders when lockdown began. But since then, the supermarket has slowly shown signs of improvement as demand has gradually dropped and Morrisons’ ability to deliver to more homes has increased. The queuing system on Morrisons’ website is still in place, though, but it usually takes under five minutes to gain access to the main groceries page. 

We’ve been checking daily for two months now and have seen more Morrisons home delivery slots open up over time. However, if you can’t find a free delivery slot or need to self isolate, it’s possible to order a £30 Morrisons food box of essential items that will be delivered to your door. There’s a large range available, with Morrisons now offering specific boxes for events and dietary restrictions.

In some UK areas, it’s also possible to order Morrisons products through Amazon Prime Now (if you don’t have a Prime membership, you can sign up for a free 30-day trial of Prime, and cancel before the trial ends with no strings attached). Morrisons products can also be ordered from the Deliveroo app in certain areas, but there is a minimum order value of £15 and two limit maximum of each item in place. 

In general, if you need to order food from Morrisons online, the best advice is to check back each day for new grocery delivery slots. And if you can, it’s better to visit a physical store during Morrison’s opening hours.

Morrisons opening hours

Morrisons’ opening hours are 7am-10pm from Monday to Saturday, and 10am-4pm on Sundays. Morrisons has also introduced an NHS hour at all its stores at the beginning of every day, Monday to Saturday, from 6-7am, and at 9am on Sunday. A Morrisons colleague will meet NHS staff at a clearly marked staff entrance to welcome workers with an NHS badge. 

NHS staff will also receive a 10% discount at the tills as a thank you from Morrisons for doing outstanding work during the pandemic. Farmers are also receiving a 5% discount to thank them for feeding the nation. Farmers will receive a discount card in the post giving them a 5% discount on Morrisons shopping which will last until July 12 and then will be reviewed.

On April 3, Morrisons upped the contactless card limit from £30 to £45 in all stores. The company has also lifted buying restrictions on much-needed products so customers can contribute to food banks.

To stay up to date with your local Morrisons’ opening times, you can check Morrisons Store Finder page for more information.

Morrisons food delivery: keep checking for new slots
Morrisons’ website has started to show more availability, so you’re best checking back regularly for a food delivery slot. Customers have been advised not to call the supermarket’s contact centre as they can’t provide any slots, in case people were hoping to get one that way. Register for coronavirus support if you’re vulnerable
If you’re an elderly or vulnerable customer, make sure you’re registered on the list of clinically extremely vulnerable people. Many supermarkets are using this register to prioritise its home delivery slots – so if you’re eligible, you want to be on it. You can register yourself, or on behalf of someone else.

How to get a Morrisons delivery slot 

Though Morrisons has continued to expand its grocery delivery service and improve its online capacity, delivery slots can still be hard to find, though the situation is improving. Checking day-to-day is the best practice to follow.

Morrisons has also introduced food boxes, which contain a range of groceries and household essentials, as well as bundles designed around dietary restrictions or events. The food boxes are delivered by DPD, and are a great alternative if you don’t mind Morrisons own brand food and want to stock up fast. 

Like most retailers, Morrisons offers contactless delivery. Delivery drivers can no longer enter your home or hand over shopping bags on your doorsteps, and customers are advised to mention whether they are self-isolating in the delivery instructions of an online order.

Grocery delivery

Recipe box and meal delivery

Pizza delivery

Takeaway delivery

Alcohol delivery

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