Motorola is ready to take on the Galaxy S22 with its latest flagship, the Edge 30 Pro. The handset is powered by Snapdragon’s premium 8 Gen 1 processor, which supports a host of features like 5G, advanced AI, gaming and camera processing, WiFi 6E and more. It has a 4,800 mAh battery and supports 68W TurboPower charging speeds that can power up the battery quickly. 

On the front, the Edge 30 Pro sports a 6.7-inch Max Vision OLED display panel with Full HD (2400 x 1080) resolution. There’s also support for 144Hz refresh rate for a smooth scrolling experience. On the back, the phone packs a triple camera module that consists of two 50 MP cameras and a  2MP depth sensor. The cameras are rounded off with a 60MP selfie snapper on the front that supports 4K video recording and 240/120 fps slow motion captures.

The Edge 30 Pro will be compatible with Motorola’s Ready For feature that lets you connect the phone to PCs, displays and TVs. When you wire the phone to a monitor you start up a desktop mode that lets you use the apps on the phone in a spacious PC-like interface. Connecting to a PC lets you share files between the phone and PC on the same screen. Or you can wirelessly connect   the Edge 30 Pro to a TV with Ready For and experience seamless streaming, gaming and video calls.

You can now pre-order Motorola Edge 30 Pro exclusively on for AED 2,599. The phone comes in Cosmos Blue and Stardust White colors and has 256GB built-in storage coupled with 12GB of RAM. Pre-orders run till March 22 and come with freebies like Motorola’s noise cancelling headphones and a voucher for YouGotAGift. The phone will also be available to purchase from Sharaf DG on March 22nd. 

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