Apple announced the new MacBook Air with its own M1 chip last night along with a few other machines. During the presentation, the company claimed that the new MacBook Air will have better camera performance than its predecessor.

If you look at the specifications of the new offering, Apple‘s still shipping a 720p camera on the front for video calls. But the firm says that the Image Signal Processor (ISP) on its M1 chip. will improve the call quality.

It will expectedly reduce noise, offer a better dynamic range, and, adjust white balance automatically. Plus, there’s a feature called ML-enhanced face detection that will make you “look more natural” on your call. It’s not clear if that feature makes modifications to your face or it’s similar to iOS 13’s fake eye-contact feature.

With COVID-19 still looming large, a lot of people are still working from home and video calls are an essential part of that routine. Some people are also recording these sessions through their laptops, and that trend is set to continue for a while.

Apple’s claimed improvements might make the call experience better, but it might not make them ready for recording and uploading on YouTube. You might still want to buy a dedicated 1080p camera for that. Why don’t you give us a full HD camera, Apple?

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Published November 11, 2020 — 06:08 UTC

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