New technology is trying to help manage asthma in South Africa. ADAMM-RSM is a wearable that monitors respiratory functions to help avoid asthma deaths.
In South Africa, there are an estimated 18.5 deaths per 100 000 asthma cases and Akacia Medical & Healthcare Group hopes to help lower this statistic with its tech.
“Asthma cannot be cured, but it can and should be managed to achieve improved symptom control. This, in turn, may reduce hospitalisations and the economic burden of asthma, while improving quality of life for the asthmatic and their caregivers,” says Krüger.
“As the first country in the world to offer the system direct to consumers, we expect that this award-winning wearable will totally revolutionise how asthma is managed in South Africa.”
How it works
ADAMM-RSM works using a wearable, a smartphone app and a web portal. The wearable can be configured to monitor and record data relevant to their experience and concerns with asthma.
This is then sent to the smartphone dashboard where trends and triggers can be viewed. This information can be shared with caregivers and healthcare providers, giving more insight into the person’s condition. Medication reminders and recording of peak flow meter readings can be enabled
The wearable attaches to the torso and can be hidden discreetly beneath clothing. Much like glasses, the device needs to be used consistently as needed. Users can wear it for anywhere between 6 and 18 hours depending on their need.