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Nintendo is gearing up for some supply chain issues later this year, so grab one of the new blue Switch Lites while you can.

Nintendo is gearing up for some supply chain issues later this year, so grab one of the new blue Switch Lites while you can.

Image: nintendo

BUY FOR $199.99: Released on May 21, Nintendo’s new blue Switch Lite is in stock at Amazon, Walmart, and in the Nintendo Store as of May 24.

It’s no Nintendo Switch Pro, but we’ll take it.

Nintendo has expanded the rainbow of its Switch Lite family with a “fresh new blue” colorway, giving players “more options to express your personal gaming style wherever you choose to play,” the company said in a press release. It launched alongside a remaster of the 3DS adventure game Miitopia on May 21, and surprisingly it’s still in stock *everywhere* the last time we checked on Monday, May 24 — grab one from Amazon, Walmart, or the Nintendo Store for $199.99.

SEE ALSO: New Pokémon Snap is simple and endlessly engrossing

We say “surprisingly” because Nintendo is bracing itself for supply issues in the coming months due to an ongoing global shortage of semiconductor chips, as VCG reported. (It’s the same shortage that’s made next-gen consoles like the Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X so difficult to hunt down to this day.) 

Ideally, things won’t get as dire as they were this time last year when early-pandemic Animal Crossing hype and aggressive resellers made finding one of the handheld consoles nearly impossible — but just in case, we recommend snatching up one of these new blue Switch Lites ASAP before retailers’ inventories dwindle too low.

At the time of writing, you could get one in your hands before the end of the week with free two-day shipping from both Amazon and Walmart:

Nintendo just dropped a new blue Switch Lite — here's where to find it in stock

Nintendo just dropped a new blue Switch Lite — here's where to find it in stock

Nintendo just dropped a new blue Switch Lite — here's where to find it in stock

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