Prince Philip, who died aged 99 last week, is set to have an environmentally influenced funeral, which will feature a hybrid-electric Land Rover.

According to Britishpress, the Duke of Edinburgh will be carried to the ceremony in a modified Defender 130 Gun Bus.

What makes the vehicle even more special is that it was concepted and commissioned by Prince Philip himself back in 2005, following a 45-minute conversation with Jaguar Land Rover.

car, hybrid, electric, land rover
The concept for the Defender 130 Gun Bus was developed by Prince Philip back in 2005.

Army engineers are reportedly already working to convert the vehicle for its funeral duty.

The use of a hybrid-electric vehicle comes as part of a wider plan for the Duke’s eco-friendly funeral. Prince Philip will also be laid to rest in a woollen coffin.

According to reports, one of Prince Philip’s final wishes was that “they just stick me in the back of a Land Rover, and drive me to Windsor.”

The British Royal family have a long standing relationship with Jaguar Land Rover. The Queen has often been seen driving in a variety of Range Rovers over the years, and Prince Harry and Meghan Markle departed from their wedding in a 1968 Jaguar E-Type that had been converted to electric power.

Low emission funeral cars are nothing new.

Back in 2016, funeral transport firm Vander der Lans and Busscher BV based in the Netherlands, commissioned a Tesla Model S to be turned into a hearse in response to increasing demand for such a vehicle.

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