

As somewhat expected, it remains very quiet in the UK with no retailers dropping any proper restocks in the first few minutes of release day.

However, what is disappointing is that a host of massively inflated prices have appeared on Amazon UK’s listing pages for the 30th Anniversary DualSense and the PS5 Slim. I think this is a trend we’ll continue to see, and on both sides of the Atlantic, sadly as scalpers know the interest will remain high and try to make a few quid on some limited edition items.


Anyway, aside form the excitement of the confirmed PS Direct restock for launch day, the clock is about to tick over to midnight and bring the 30th Anniversary Collection’s release day with it in the UK.

Will we see anything immediately? I still don’t know and would probably guess that we won’t at the stroke of midnight – but that still isn’t going to stop me making sure either way by checking in multiple times with all the biggest retailers.

Stand by!


The flipside of PlayStation Direct outwardly declaring a time for the 30th Anniversary Collection restock is that everyone now knows when to descend upon the website and try to access it with all their might at the same time.

For information, PS Direct started putting people in a queue from about an hour ahead of stock dropping times on previous occasions, so the first bit of advice I can offer is to get inline and on the website, ready to go, by 8am GMT for UK shoppers, and by 8am PST for US fans.


PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Digital Edition on a white background

(Image credit: Sony/PlayStation)

However, we do have some solid launch day news now straight from the source!

In the US, the listing page at PlayStation Direct for the PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Editionthe PS5 DualSense Anniversary Edition and the PS5 DualSense Edge Anniversary Edition have all been updated to say “Not in stock? Please check back on Thursday 21st November from 9am PST”.

For information, the PS5 Pro and the PlayStation Portal pages do not show this information.

In superb news, the UK pages for all three – the PS5 Slim, the DualSense, and the DualSense Edge – have also been updated and advise shoppers to check back “from 9am GMT”!

This is excellent news and does indeed confirm my hunch that we’d see release day stock of at least some of the 30th Anniversary Collection.


OK we are just about one hour from release day in the UK – could we see restock action? It’d be slightly unusual for retailers to go at midnight on a release day (or a pre-order day too, as we saw in recent weeks) but it has happened before.

I distinctly remember midnight stock of the PS5 on one of its pre-order or launch or announcement days – when retailers can choose to go live, it can happen as early as the stroke of midnight.

Anyway, I’ll be keeping abreast of it all for a while now as we head into the PlayStation 30th Anniversary Collection release date of November 21.


I’m really hoping that flurry of 30th Anniversary DualSense stock at Currys in the UK is something of an indicator of what we’ll see tomorrow. However, to reiterate, we’re not expecting anything, and have no official word on this. We’re just going on our own experience and nous that launch days can bring stock drops with them.

We’re now not that long from release day in the UK so I’m going to do some swotting up and scouting around for any other information or tidbits I can glean from seller’s sites…

I’ll definitely be keeping an eye peeled for stock drops at all the major retailers as the clock ticks over to midnight tonight in the UK so stay tuned!


Target Black Friday

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Sadly, that DualSense Anniversary stock seems to have gone – but it did hang around for a good few minutes which gives me hope for the UK side of things going into tomorrow!

Such stock drops, as well as other bits on retailers’ sites, help me get hopeful on both sides of the Atlantic. After Best Buy’s ‘coming soon’ button, I also want to draw attention to the Target listing pages for the PS5 Slim and DualSense.

Both pages state the products’ release date, and the fact that preorders have sold out, but follow that up with a line to ‘Check back on release date’. While this could be boilerplate text for a sold out item, I’m just a bit hopeful that it means Target knows it will have release day stock to offer.

We’ll be keeping particularly close tabs on the retailer’s pages for both items as a result.


The 30th anniversary PS5 DualSense controller on a red background with white don't miss text

(Image credit: Future/Sony/PlayStation)

However, I interrupt this stock and retailer analysis for a huge bit of UK news on 30th Anniversary Collection stock!

Currys has got 30th Anniversary DualSense stock live right now! It seems to be holding too – I just got one for a pal and nearly got another separately too to test it out.

Here’s the link you need to bag your controller right now: PS5 30th Anniversary DualSense controller: £69.99 at Currys


An image of a Best Buy store, with the Best Buy logo prominently featured

(Image credit: Shutterstock/Lynn Watson)

Having kept tabs on the go-to and key retailers regularly since pre-orders opened, I’ve noticed a couple of things that might hint at release day 30th Anniversary Collection stock.

First, we have Best Buy in the US which has a greyed-out ‘Coming soon’ button where the buy button usually is on both its PS5 Slim and DualSense listing pages. This seems to be indicating that stock could be on its way – if something is truly unavailable at that retailer, it usually displays a button saying Currently unavailable (or something similar).

As a result, I’m hoping that means Best Buy knows something about its stock situation that we don’t and might have some release day stock to share. Fingers crossed! But it’s not just Best Buy which seems to be leaving potential clues.


Sony's official PlayStation 30th Anniversary artwork

(Image credit: PlayStation/Sony)

With only 12,300 units on offer, anticipation was intense and the PS5 Pro bundle barely stuck around for a few minutes when fans got past the virtual waiting room at PlayStation Direct.

The other bits of hardware soon followed suit, and all sold out pretty quickly indeed. When other retailers could release their own pre-orders two weeks later on October 10 (but only for the PS5 Slim and DualSense controller), the action was equally intense and stock flew off the virtual shelves. We have seen some fleeting restocks at retailers like Amazon and Target in the US, and Argos and Currys in the UK, but there’s been nothing substantial or long-lasting.

Which brings us to today, 30th Anniversary Collection release date eve. I think that release date might well be a good bet for some stock drops or retailer restocks for the 30th Anniversary Collection. It’s not guaranteed by any means, and is based largely on my own hunch and experience – there was indeed PS5 stock released on launch day after all, when few people actually expected it then – but we also have a couple of retailer-specific reasons to hold out hope. Let me explain…


The 30th Anniversary Edition hardware from Sony

(Image credit: Sony/PlayStation)

So what’s all the fuss about then?

Well, back in September, along with the official announcement of the PS5 Pro, Sony revealed its pretty expansive 30th Anniversary Collection. This is a collection of limited edition PS5 hardware that’s all styled in the original PS1 aesthetic and all looks excellently slick.

The grey-color stylings are perfect for igniting that nostalgia in long-term PlayStation fans and celebrating the original PlayStation made for perfect PS5 consoles and accessories.

The collections covered the PS5 Pro, PS5 Slim, DualSense, DualSense Edge, and PlayStation portal specifically, though you did get a DualSense charger in the same style with the PS5 Pro bundle – the latter only being made to the tune of 12,300 units in honor of the PS1’sd December 3 release date.

The Collection was extremely popular with plenty of hype building before pre-orders went live. When the opportunity to bag a pre-order did come for fans, it was all over in a matter of minutes, however, and many have been left disappointed since. Which is part of the reason for our live coverage starting today.


Hello and welcome to our live build-up coverage to the PlayStation 30th Anniversary Collection release day!

We’re here to look forward to and celebrate the collection’s release date and cheer on fans who finally get their hands on the gear. But we’re also here with fingers crossed that we might see some launch day stock drops or restocks at retailers who may have kept their powder dry on some inventory, or have specific release day units to sell.

It’s by no means guaranteed but that’s not going to stop us hoping and doing constant checks for you nonetheless./. We’ve got all the best and most important links to check above, and will be keeping this post as up to date as we can with restock news and links to stock itself should any pop up.


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