It’s not often Apple launches an entirely new operating system, but this year (or potentially the next) the company will do just that. Why? Because that’s when its long-awaited mixed reality headset is slated to be released.

Until recently, the name of this operating system (or OS) was but a rumor. No longer!

As reported by 9to5Mac, several developers found reference to something called “realityOS” in App Store logs.

Comrades, the cat’s out the bag: we now know what Apple is (probably) going to call its mixed reality software. Truly, what a time to be alive.

And this new information means one thing and one thing only: it’s time to rank the names of Apple’s operating systems from worst to best.

So let us do just that.

6) realityOS

ranking apple operating systems realityOSranking apple operating systems realityOS

I’ve needed to get this off my chest for days now: realityOS is a terrible name.

At last, I can breathe.

I’m been unable to find anything redemptive about it. The word is clumsy and clunky. Lame, even. Hell, six syllables are far too many for an operating system.

The other option floating around is even worse: rOS. Ugh. It looks and sounds vile. Plus, I don’t want to be reminded of Friends every time I download a virtual reality app.

Honestly? I see where Apple’s coming from with realityOS, but there must be a better option than this.

Maybe something like xrOS? visualOS? virtualOS? They’re not great, but they are better.

To make matters even worse, realityOS implies that the company’s headset is going to be called Apple Reality.

I can’t think of many things more dystopian-sounding than that.

5) iPadOS

ranking apple operating systems iPadOSranking apple operating systems iPadOS

There’s nothing inherently wrong with iPadOS, but there’s nothing right with it either. For a company as generally suave and slick as Apple, iPadOS is unsophisticated.

It feels like turning up to an important meeting in a fourth-hand, piss stained tracksuit.

Maybe it’s because the “i” naming system seems obsolete. Maybe it’s because no one calls tablets “pads.”

Or maybe it’s because iPadOS is the only Apple operating system with a capital letter outside of “OS.” That fact makes the order loving part of my brain agitated.

Really, Apple should just suck it up and call this tabletOS.

4) watchOS

ranking apple operating systems watchOSranking apple operating systems watchOS

Ahh, at last. We’re finally into the good names of operating systems.

This was a tough one to put fourth. Genuinely, watchOS is a decent name. It’s satisfying to say aloud and has decent aesthetics.

The reason it’s in this position is all about clarity.

What, in this instance, does “watch” actually mean? Is it a TV? Another display? Or, as it actually is, a watch.

I can’t be too critical though. The other options I can think of (clockOS, wristOS, strapOS) aren’t exactly world beaters.

So, watchOS? You’re a-okay with me. Just.

3) tvOS

ranking apple operating systems tvOSranking apple operating systems tvOS

Just solid. Solid as all hell. I put it above watchOS because it sounds more official when I say it out loud.

The reason it’s not rated higher is because it’s an operating system for a box that plugs into your TV, rather than a TV itself.

But if Apple ever gets round to releasing an actual television, tvOS is going to be rocketing up this list. Just you watch.

2) iOS

ranking apple operating systems iOSranking apple operating systems iOS

I said earlier that I’m not a fan of the “i” naming system, but here’s iOS? In the number two spot?? On Apple’s best named operating systems???

Here’s my official response: whatever. That’s your problem, not mine.

There’s a glorious simplicity to iOS that’s impossible not to respect. No, it doesn’t have the descriptive element of the other operating systems, but — and listen closely — it doesn’t need to.

To put it plainly, iOS is iconic. You can’t vote against that.

1) macOS

ranking apple operating systems macosranking <a href='' target='_blank'>apple</a> operating systems macos” width=”1280″ height=”720″></figure>
<p>Gorgeous. Resplendent. It just <em>looks</em> right, y’know?</p>
<p>It’s even more impressive that Apple <a href=shifted from OS X to macOS without it ever feeling unnatural. That’s a testament to the strength of the name right there.

There’s nothing else macOS could be. It is Apple. And it’s glorious. Without a shadow of a doubt, it’s the best named Apple operating system.

Friends! There we have it. The only ranking you’ll ever need on what Apple’s best named operating systems are. Do you have your own opinions on this ranking? Well, head over to Twitter and let us know.

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