May is National Masturbation Month, and we’re celebrating with Feeling Yourself, a series exploring the finer points of self-pleasure.

This National Masturbation Month was a bit different considering, uh, there’s a global pandemic going on. That doesn’t mean that people aren’t masturbating, though — in fact, quite the opposite

With social distancing limiting our options for partners, self-love may be the only source of love right now for many. Despite not being able to be in the same room as others, pornographer Erika Lust bringing us all together with a Worldwide Masturbation Session.

Round out National Masturbation Month by jerking off online with thousands of people

Image: erika lust

The session is the culmination of Lust’s 31-day masturbation challenge called May You Masturbate. Lust created a calendar full of different sex education guides and videos — by herself and others — for those who wanted to participate. She also debuted a collection of masturbation-centric films for the occasion. 

Now, her National Masturbation Month celebration is climaxing (rimshot, please) in what she and her team hope to be a record-breaking online masturbation session. The session will go live on Lust’s site XConfessions on Sunday, May 31 at 3 p.m. ET. Lust will open the session with an intention and from there, the participant can watch one of three masturbation films to set the mood. 

Even if you haven’t participated in the 31 days of self-pleasure thus far — or at least Lust’s version of it — you can still be part of the session. If you were planning on giving yourself some love on Sunday anyway, why not?

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