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The C++ Programming Bundle: Beginner to Expert is on sale.
The C++ Programming Bundle: Beginner to Expert is on sale.

Image: pexels

TL;DR: The C++ Programming Bundle: Beginner to Expert is on sale for £11.58 as of Nov. 7, saving you 97% on list price.

Pop quiz time: What do Call of Duty, Civilization, and World of Warcraft all have in common? They all run on C++, the gaming industry coding language. 

So if you’ve ever wanted to take a stab at creating a game of your very own, it’s a language worth learning. And it also doesn’t hurt that programmers often get hefty six-figure salaries in return for their contributions. Creating your perfect version of a video game and getting paid for it sounds like the dream scenario, no?

Thanks to the emergence of online courses, the barrier to entry to coding is lower than ever. Take, for instance, the C++ Programming Bundle: Beginner to Expert (now on sale for £11.58). This online bootcamp takes virtual students from novices to knowledgable C++ programmers with 47 hours of instruction. Students learn the ins and outs of the language that not only can create high-end desktop games, but complex artificial intelligence programs, apps, animations, web browsers, and operating systems. Coursework includes using advanced C++ syntax, mastering the principles of game development, writing high-performance software, and creating an elite-level skill set that will make finding a job in the field much easier. And you get all of this for a price less than that of a single textbook. 

The three courses included are all taught by seasoned instructor John Purcell. John is an incredibly passionate online instructor with over nine years’ experience in the programming field and endless reviews to back up his competence. One happy student noted, “What a fantastic course. This has filled in many knowledge gaps I had and has brought my C++ knowledge up to date. John explains everything thoroughly and logically in a step-by-step way that makes everything understandable.” 

Because C++ is by no means the easiest program language to learn, the bundle also comes with lifetime access, allowing you to learn at your own pace and go back to lessons if you need a refresher.  

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