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HEOMU Over The Sink Steel Dish Drying Rack | $54 | Amazon | Clip coupon
TOOCA Over Sink Dish Drying Rack | $62 | Amazon | Clip coupon
Soraken Dark Grey Over Sink Dish Drying Rack | $68 | Amazon

I don’t know what your kitchen situation is, and I certainly don’t want to presume— but mine is absolutely tiny. I feel like I’m always looking for solutions to make the small space work for me and my cooking needs.

Regardless of how spacious your kitchen is, I feel like more counter space is always welcome. One way I improved my situation? Investing in an over-the-sink dish drying rack. Thankfully, this TOOCA over the sink dish drying rack is only $62 after clipping the coupon under the price on Amazon. It even has a slot you can put your cutting board in and hooks for paper towels. 


Alternatively, you can get this sleek-looking Soraken dark grey version for 32% off right now, no coupons necessary. I would get this one myself since it also has a designated spot that can hold cutting boards, and an added space for knives and dish soap and sponges to hang.

I also really like the stainless steel version which is down to $54 when you clip the $5 off coupon. This one has hooks for holding coffee mugs as well as utensils!


If your sink or cabinet space won’t allow a dish rack of this sort, there are some great prices on 2-tier standalone dishracks from GSLife ($34) and istBoom ($48) that can go in any free spot on your counter space. They are not quite as space-saving as the over sink variety, but they allow you enough rack space to clean all your dishes and let them air dry in one go.



These coupons and prices may not last long, so jump on one of these deals if you need more kitchen real estate!

This deal was originally published by Elizabeth Lanier on 10/25/20 and was updated with new information on 1/16/21.
