Not all heroes get the credit or celebration they deserve. 

Teachers play such a vital role in all our lives — from shaping how we think to providing support and encouragement in our most formative years.

On Sunday, the cast of Schitt’s Creek in character were joined by Mariah Carey to sing “Hero” to pay tribute to the work teachers do — and yes, David chose the song.

The well-harmonised, genuinely emotional performance was part of YouTube Originals livestream on Sunday, which featured multiple public figures and celebrities in an event called Dear Class of 2020Michelle Obama’s speech was a highlight if you want more after this. 

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Moira Rose (Catherine O’Hara) kicked things off with a signature “well, hello you!” before launching into a polysyllabic soliloquy in praise of educators. 

Naturally, Patrick Brewer’s (Noah Nicholas Reid) dulcet tones started off the singing, swiftly followed by the Jazzagals. For fans of the show keeping track of the appearances, you’ll spot Alexis Rose ( Annie Murphy), Johnny Rose (Eugene Levy), Stevie (Emily Hampshire), Jocelyn (Jennifer Robertson), Ronnie (Karen Robinson), Twyla (Sarah Levy), and Ray (Rizwan Manji). 

It’s a truly delightful version of the song, but the true jewel in its crown comes with a singing cameo from none other than Mariah Carey herself.

Just keep your eyes on David’s face. You won’t regret it. 

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