3D Printed Chocolate Has More Snap, Crisp, Texture

Researchers from the University of Amsterdam realized that the metamaterials approach could be used to further enhance the texture and experience of biting into high-quality chocolate. This happens via creating even more snaps and fractures through a structure that is more complex than what’s created by simply pouring melted chocolate into moulds. The idea doesn’t replace the tempering process, however, which actually provided some unique challenges when the researchers turned to 3D printers to manufacture their chocolate treats.

Melted chocolate that had been tempered to reach the stage where phase V crystals form was loaded into syringes that had to be kept at 90-degrees Fahrenheit while the printer built up structures layer by layer. But maintaining that temperature proved to be a challenge, requiring constant recalibration to account for the chocolate thickening over time. Using 3D printers with a plastic extruder is already finicky enough—but trading that for tempered chocolate sounds like a real nightmare.

Image for article titled Scientists Say They’ve Created Crispier Chocolate Using 3D Printers

The results were shared in a recently published paper, “Edible mechanical metamaterials with designed fracture for mouthfeel control,” in the journal Soft Matter. They confirmed what the researchers speculated: the perceived quality and enjoyment of eating chocolate could be improved by increasing the number of cracks experienced while biting into a piece through S-shaped structures of increasing complexity. The researchers also found the experience could be improved by creating chocolate with anisotropic structures that alter the resistance felt during the bite through shapes and patterns that shear and break with force applied in specific directions.

Will we see companies like Lindt or Cadbury rolling out metamaterial-inspired treats anytime soon? Probably not, but the research has some other interesting applications when it comes to food. Using similar manufacturing processes, the texture of artificial meat could be improved to feel more like biting into the real thing, or altered to something completely different for those who are turned off by meat’s traditional texture. It could also be used to make foods that still taste delicious (or at least fool the brain into thinking they are) but are easier to consume for those who have issues with chewing or swallowing.
