Vue Lite 2 review: Audio glasses made for working remotely
They can’t compete with earbuds, but prescription wearers might appreciate their all-in-one convenience.
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They can’t compete with earbuds, but prescription wearers might appreciate their all-in-one convenience.
Apple could one day release a pair of smart glasses that projects images directly onto the wearer’s retina, according to a recently granted patent.
Xiaomi is the latest company to step into the smart glasses space, offering an advanced design that it claims could replace the smartphone.
The Dusk Smart Sunglasses allow you to adjust the tint of the lenses and provide audio through an open-ear system–just in time for summer.
Razer has jumped aboard the audio smartglasses trend with the Razer Anzu. It has done so in an interesting way, by making the glasses suitable for more people.