Terra Founder Claims Fraud Allegations ‘Politically Motivated’


Interpol has since been drafted into the search for the man who’s obviously avoiding arrest while still claiming he’s “not on the run” and is “making zero effort to hide.” South Korean prosecutors asked the international law enforcement body to issue a so-called “red notice” against Kwon, basically putting a target on the crypto founder’s head for any international police force. Still, the crypto founder said he’s looking to appeal that red notice. Korean officials have also tried revoking Kwon’s passport.

Being on the run hasn’t stopped him from operating his famed Twitter account. While retweeting a few other accounts sponsoring new projects based on his inane attempt to revitalize Terra with his Luna 2.0, he also offered some recent commentary on his pariah status. After South Korean prosecutors froze nearly $40 million in crypto ostensibly owned by Kwon, the failed crypto founder wrote “It’s no surprise that crypto is most popular in countries that weaponize state institutions against their own people for political gain.”


Kwon tried to wriggle out of the topic, saying “every sovereign nation can interpret a red notice.” As far as violating the Capital Markets Act, Kwon further tries to deny any wrongdoing by claiming “cryptocurrencies are not securities,” so he’s not liable to that law or the country’s financial crimes division. Kwon had previously told The Korea Times he would cooperate with the investigation, but he claimed in the interview that while he’s complying with prosecutors’ document requests, he’s still refusing to present his physical form to any police body.

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