Another week in the books!
We’re already well into the second month of the year. Pretty soon it might be 2022. Who knows? I couldn’t possibly say.
Anyway, we collected some of our favorite tweets of this week. Why? To enjoy, that’s why. We hope you gobble them up like the greedy little hippopotamus’s from the classic tabletop game Hungry Hungry Hippos.
So…here they are, our 11 favorite tweets of the week.
1. I’ve run out of bird names… Please stop.
BACK IN THE DAY, if you made a New Folder on a Korean computer, the folder was automatically named after a bird (“new” in Korean is homonymous w/ “bird”). If you made hundreds, the folders would start “begging” through their names, like “I’ve run out of bird names,” “Please stop”
— Emily Jungmin Yoon (@EmilyYoon) February 4, 2021
2. Yes, this is an old clip. Yes, it is John C. Reilly as Dr. Steve Brule mimicking a horse in the weirdest possible fashion. No, there is no more context to make this make more sense. Yes, I love it regardless.
3. Absolute Galaxy Brain move
4. Coniferous gang is ruthless and deservedly so
5. Just sitting here, thinking about Spunch Bop in a heart locket
6. Obligatory dril tweet
10 things you must never say to a Soothsayer
1. Got any new Sooths?
2. my cousins kid just made up some sooths. Do you think theyre any good— wint (@dril) February 3, 2021
7. How life is now
8. It’s a delicate balance
after having 2.9 beers: I am perfect, I exist in a state of immaculate grace, I am a wave passing gently on the oceans surface
after having 3 beers: I am an accumulation of regrets shambling towards the grave, I am an aggregation of generational curses, I am a golem of sadness— thomas violence (@thomas_violence) February 3, 2021