Another pandemic week down and we’ve arrived at the unofficial end of summer is here. You know what that means: Time to read some good tweets, baby! 

We’ve been collecting the best posts of the week for a while now because we can and why not? Sometimes it’s nice to look at dumb, funny posts and have a laugh. So, here we are. These are our favorite 16 tweets of the week. 

1. Pajamazon is just good pun fun

2. Bird.

3. Honest crab, we love her

4. “Please Abraham, I’m not that man.” 

5. Obligatory dril tweet


7. I vote good

8. Just some wholesome stuff right here

9. Stunning similarities

10. Look at this lad

11. I do not care if this is fake. It is probably fake. I love it, regardless.

12. Pretty sure I saw this fella drunk on a barstool back when I lived in Queens

13. Doodie pants is A+ comedy from a child…or from anyone of any age

14. Dark but wow, yes, adds up

15. And finally, is it?

WATCH: Here are all the weird hobbies we’ve picked up to not lose our minds

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