Grab a drink, kick your feet up, and watch as your hardest-working home appliance puts in the work so you don’t have to: That’s the reality of investing in a highly rated robot vacuum. And as technology advances, there’s even less for us humans to take care of when it comes to ensuring our floors stay spick-and-span.

Self-emptying robot vacuums take the convenience of the traditional robot vacuum to another level: they actually allow you to forego regular maintenance for months on end—without sacrificing sparkling clean floors free of dirt and debris.

Instead of emptying the dustbin manually, a self-emptying vacuum actually takes that job out of your hands, emptying itself into a larger dustbin that has the capacity to manage weeks of dirt without needing to be cleaned or dumped out on your end. Not only does this allow you to keep your floors clean, it means you can literally set it up and forget about it.

How do robot vacuums compare to canister and upright vacuums?

While robot vacuums are getting more and more advanced by the day, not everyone agrees that they can completely replace your canister or upright vacuum. If you’re worried about your robot vacuum not doing the job well enough to completely replace your upright vacuum, consider scheduling your robotic vacuum to run twice a day — or pick up a hand vacuum to spot clean any problem areas you might notice. iRobot, for example, claims that robotic vacuums can save owners up to 110 hours of manual floor maintenance per year — or about two hours per week.

What’s the battery life like on a robot vacuum?

The battery life on most robot vacuum cleaners is just about exactly what you’d need to get a full clean in a single run. Most vacuums have a minimum of a 90-minute run time — which allows the vacuum to pass through a typical household.

If you’re worried about the battery life lasting through your home (especially if it’s particularly dusty or on multiple levels) you might want to invest in a robot vacuum that features a mid-cycle charging option. This way, your vacuum will return to charge before finishing the areas of the home it didn’t quite get to before.

How do self-emptying robot vacuums work?

The idea behind the self-emptying robot vacuum sounds pretty sci-fi and next level, doesn’t it? Not having to vacuum or do any manual maintenance whatsoever sounds like a dream come true! And while it is, in all honesty, a pretty neat concept, there is still maintenance and a little bit of leg work required to keep your vacuum working properly —including emptying the dustbin every now and then.

A self-emptying robot vacuum works the same way a regular robot vacuum does — it maps out the layout of your home, sucks up all the dust and debris from your flooring, and returns to charge between cleaning sessions without your involvement. But unlike traditional robot vacuums, which require emptying after every second or third vacuum, a self-emptying vacuum deposits all the dirt and debris into a separate bin that doesn’t need to be manually emptied (by you) for upwards of a month.

Are robot vacuums worth it?

Are robot vacuums worth the price tag? While it has become more affordable to pick up a robot vacuum, they’re still significantly more expensive than most of their manual counterparts. That being said, not having to lift a finger when it comes to floor maintenance is a pretty good feeling and is well worth it for anyone who just doesn’t have the time — or the interest — in pulling out a vacuum and manually cleaning the floors every couple of days.

Not only are these handy devices extremely practical for anyone who wants to cut down on the mental load that comes with keeping the house clean, but they actually allow you to run the vacuum more frequently. For those reasons alone, a robot vacuum — and especially a self-emptying robot vacuum — is worth the investment if you’re looking to spend a bit more on a vacuum.

What to look for in a self-emptying robot vacuum

What to look for in a self-emptying robot vacuum really depends on exactly what your household needs are. Do you have a dog or a cat that sheds? Are there kids in your household? Do you live on a particularly dusty street? These are all serious factors to consider when deciding how much you’ll really need to spend or what features to prioritize when shopping for a self-emptying robot vacuum. 

Power and battery life: If you’re shopping for a self-emptying vacuum, chances are you’re looking for something that you can set and forget—and that includes a healthy battery life. Look for a minimum of 90 minutes to ensure your vacuum can cover your home or apartment or consider a robot that can be programmed to charge halfway through its cleaning cycle and resume where it left off once it’s fully juiced up.

Size: Whether you’re living in a condo or a larger house, you’ll want to make sure the size of your external dustbin is large enough to make the self-emptying feature worth your while. Most external bins can hold up to 60 days of dust and debris — but if you’re working with a particularly high traffic home or you really don’t want to empty it all that often, look for an XL option.

Floor surfaces: Are you working with carpeted flooring? Hardwood? Look for a robot vacuum that is made to suit your specific needs. Certain vacuums are equipped with added sensors to ensure rugs and carpets are properly taken care of, while others have special brushes that ensure dust and debris don’t get pushed around on hardwood flooring.

Smart home integration: Most self-emptying robot vacuums come with smart home and app integration that make your job even more simplified. If you’re hoping to schedule cleans or have access to maintenance issue reports from your phone or you want something that is Alexa-enabled and equipped with voice control, be sure to look for a vacuum that specifies smart home integration.

What is the best self-emptying robot vacuum?

Interested in learning more about self-emptying robot vacuums? We don’t blame you! Below, we’ve laid out some of the absolute best self-emptying robot vacuums on the market. From the little guys to big-name brands, here are the best options out there in 2021.

Compact size • Quiet motor • Great price
External dust bin is sold separately.
Looking for a budget-friendly solution that doesn’t sacrifice efficiency? You’ll love this hard working (and affordable) robot vacuum.

Proscenic M7 Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Budget-friendly, hard working, compact, and quiet, the Proscenic M7 Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner strikes the perfect balance between price point and practical features.

  • Run time per charge:
    150 minutes
  • App-enabled?:
  • Size:
    13.65 x 13.65 x 3.8 inches

You really don’t need to drop a ton of cash to get a hard-working robot vacuum. The Proscenic M7 Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner features an impressive 150-minute battery life that covers both carpets and hardwood flooring. It’s compatible with the Intelligent Dust Collector which stores over a month’s worth of vacuum debris.

Very easy to set up and maintain • Unique design. • Impressive suction power
High price tag
Ready to invest in the best of the best? The latest Roomba is extremely powerful, hard-working, and compatible with the latest iRobot clean base.

iRobot Roomba S9+ (9550) Robot Vacuum

While it comes with a higher price tag than most, this cutting-edge machine is well worth the investment if you’re looking for an unmatched cleaning powerhouse.

  • Run time per charge:
    90 minutes
  • App-enabled?:
  • Size:
    Size: 12.25 x 12.25 x 3.5 inches

The iRobot Roomba is well-loved for a reason. As the leader in robot vacuum technology, the iRobot Roomba S9+ Robot Vacuum is one of the most advanced robot vacuums on the market; featuring a sophisticated aesthetic design, 40x stronger suction than existing robot vacuums, and targeted voice control that allows you to spot clean messes as they happen. It also features a self-emptying base that holds up to 60 days of dust, dirt, and debris.

Great price • Everything is included • Quiet motor
Quite large in size.
Your one-stop shop for self-emptying, the Shark IQ Robot comes with everything you need to set and forget your robotic vacuum.

Shark IQ Robot Self-Empty XL

The Shark IQ Robot Self-Empty XL is a smart investment: its extra-large dust bin, quiet motor, and name brand recognition makes it a reliable option that you can trust.

  • Run time per charge:
    90 minutes
  • App-enabled?:
  • Size:
    38.9 x 26.3 x 49.6 inches

Looking for the name recognition without the sky-high price tag? The Shark IQ Robot Self-Empty XL is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a vacuum they can trust at a price point they’re comfortable with. What’s more, the IQ Robot actually comes with everything you need to take advantage of the self-emptying capability without having to worry about purchasing add-ons or extras.

Very easy to set up and maintain • Everything included • Very compact
The dust bin is quite loud.
This self-emptying solution takes cleaning seriously—it easily fits underneath furniture and into all the nooks and crannies for a full clean every time.

Neabot Robot Vacuum with Self-Emptying Dustbin Included

Your one-stop solution for debris-free flooring, the Neabot is your best bet if you want something that will work seamlessly on all types of floors and surfaces.

  • Run time per charge::
    120 minutes
  • App-enabled?:
  • Size:
    13.78 x 13.78 x 3.86 inches

Worried about your robotic vacuum’s ability to navigate carpeted areas or low furniture? The Neabot works great on multiple surfaces and is compact enough to get underneath low furniture. What’s more, the self-emptying dustbin is included with the vacuum and is actually quite subtle when set up (unlike other, more bulky options on the list).

Great price-to-quality ratio • Includes recharge and resume cleaning • Included clean base.
No smart mapping • App connectivity could be better.
The iRobot Roomba i3+ makes self-emptying easier than ever thanks to the included Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal and recharge and resume cleaning capabilities.

iRobot is known for its high-quality robotic vacuums and innovative features—but the brand recognition typically comes with a higher price tag. The iRobot Roomba i3+ strikes a comfortable balance between affordable price point and efficiency, the most noteworthy feature being the impressive suction and unique multi-surface rubber brushes that easily tackle pet hair and allergens.

Very easy to set up • Includes smart mapping • Comes with the dirt disposal clean base
Motor could be more quiet
Easy to set up and maintain, comes with all the proper add-ons, and gets the job done? The iRobot Roomba i6+ checks all the right boxes.

iRobot Roomba i6+ (6550) Robot Vacuum with Automatic Dirt Disposal

With smart mapping, automatic dirt disposal, a compact size, easy setup, the iRobot Roomba i6+ includes all the best bells and whistles that will allow you to set and forget for months on end.

  • Run time per charge:
    75 minutes
  • App-enabled?:
  • Size:
    13.34 x 13.26 x 3.63 inches

Sure, the iRobot Roomba i6+ might be a bit more expensive than your typical vacuum but the innovative robot is well worth the investment if you’re looking for a fail-safe option that will make cleaning the floors as easy as possible. It’s equipped with the iRobot clean base, which allows for about two months of dust and debris before needing to be changed but it also features smart mapping that ensures it will properly navigate around staircases, rugs, tight rooms, and more unique spots in the home.

Vacuums, mops, and self-empties • Compact design • Great price
Louder than most robotic vacuums
You really can’t go wrong with a highly rated, dual-purpose floor system that empties itself.

Here’s the robotic floor system you want if you’re ready to really take things to the next level and kick your feet up for good. The HONITURE Q6 Robot Vacuum Cleaner comes with everything you need to use the self-emptying feature right away—but it does a whole lot more than that. The dual-purpose machine actually vacuums and mops your floor for a total clean that requires absolutely no effort on your end.

Certains ventilateurs brumisateurs sont même équipés d’une minuterie pour programmer leur fonctionnement.