Landscape Game Boy Mod Makes it Look Like GBA

This Gameboy is like no other

According to Obirux, two original Game Boy shells were sacrificed to create the custom body for this prototype, which is why it looks so much like the classic handheld console—just flipped on its side. The power switch, volume wheel, link port, headphone jack, and original buttons and directional pad controls were all carried over to the redesign, which looks so incredibly polished that many would suspect it’s a long lost prototype cooked up by Nintendo itself.


Unfortunately, fans of Obirux’s latest creation can only drool over the prototype, as they seemingly have no plans to sell a kit with the necessary parts for others to make the same modifications. That’s unfortunate, but we hope they plan to share a more detailed breakdown video of how they customized the OG Game Boy shells, so aspiring modders have a better idea of how it all came to be.

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