TLDR: The 2021 Complete Side Hustle Bundle can serve as your roadmap to getting an effective new business or brand identity idea up and running fast.

The middle of a worldwide pandemic is a tough time to start a business. But no matter when you start, the basic opening moves for getting a new endeavor off the ground really haven’t changed over the decades. You need to be seen. You need to have a persuasive message. And you need to have multiple approaches to reaching and growing your target audience.

While there are a lot of ways that can happen in our modern world, the training in The 2021 Complete Side Hustle Bundle ($30, over 90 percent off from TNW Deals) can focus your efforts on best practices for getting a startup business going and engaging potential customers on their terms.

The collection features eight courses covering more than 27 hours worth of content that go right to the heart of brand-building in 2021.

While it’s a mouthful to say, the Find Your Perfect Customer and Design and Create Your Products and Services course is a great launching pad for your plans. This step-by-step guide can help even first time entrepreneurs identify their ideal customer, understand their needs and craft a growth strategy for the business.

With How to Create a Professional Website with No Coding, users learn the skills to build an effective web presence, while Launch a Successful Amazon FBA Brand in 2020 and Selling on Etsy: How to Start a Successful Online Shop explain how to get digital storefronts going on two of the most critical online sales platforms.

Of course, to survive and thrive in today’s digital space, any business must have a firm command of a social media plan. With Social Media Marketing: Grow Your Reach and Audience, that plan can start to take shape, including how to start getting traction with your social media accounts and get the attention of the customers you want.

The other courses lay out specific plans for harnessing the key strengths of some of those key social media platforms, including making impactful YouTube videos (Grow A Successful YouTube Channel From Scratch) and even how to make post content that works for your brand (Learn Canva for Your Social Media Graphic Design).

There’s even a complete tutorial here on how to start a webinar series focused on building up your business.

This next-level guide to modern marketing would usually cost $1,600, but right now, The 2021 Complete Side Hustle Bundle is available for less than $4 per course, just $29.99.

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