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Mark Bowden's hypnotherapy sessions are on sale.
Mark Bowden’s hypnotherapy sessions are on sale.

Image: pexels

TL;DR: As of Aug 2, you can get a lifetime subscription to clinical hypnotherapist sessions for the price of one session ($49.99) via this deal from Mark Bowden’s Hypnotherapy.

Many have been recommended hypnotherapy at one time or another. Maybe it was for your fear of public speaking or giving up sugar or quitting smoking, but likely you forgot all about it. Before you forget the idea once again, consider trying out a virtual session.

Clinical hypnotherapist Mark Bowden is offering lifetime access to audio sessions on 70 different topics for the first time ever. And you’ll get it all for the price of a single session. He produces new sessions every month, which are all based on the latest and most effective techniques designed to help people condition themselves.

In his clinical sessions, Bowden provides insight into positive thinking, productivity mastery, and plenty more. Beyond acquiring a newfound understanding, Bowden also leaves you with tips on increasing your happiness and energy, while improving your concentration alongside other personal development approaches. 

These sessions are typically worth a hefty $825, but thanks to the latest markdown, you can get access for only $49.99.

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