Watch: Disney’s BidenBot Is Officially on Duty

The new addition to the robotic Hall of Presidents—which has been a Disney mainstay ever since the 1964 World’s Fair in New York—is certainly less controversial than the last face added up there. When Donald Trump’s animatronic was added to the stage not long after he was sworn into office, rumors began swirling that his robot wouldn’t feature any dialogue, since most sound bites featuring the 45th president typically included some kind of racist/sexist/offensive garbage. While the Disney staff was somehow able to scrounge together some sort of appealing dialogue for their TrumpBot, Biden’s go-to lines are, er, usually easier to stomach.

If you watch any of the videos people have recorded of RoboBiden’s debut, you can still see Trump’s visage to the far upper left of the stage, standing right behind James Buchanan. And while fans have repeatedly asked Disney’s rank and file about removing Trump from the hall entirely, the company was careful to note during their initial debut of the BidenBot that his predecessor wouldn’t be leaving the stage. Squeezing him into a corner feels like a compromise.

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