Reading is a favorite pastime for many, one that offers the avid reader many tangible benefits. Yet, with the amount of content we’re expected to read every day, from business emails to news articles and friends’ social media posts, it’s becoming more and more of a chore. Rather than view it as a chore, though, there are proven ways to help you read more quickly and retain all the valuable information contained within those words, sentences, paragraphs, and so on.

The Speed Reading & Memory Mastery Bundle helps you read faster, retain more information, and strengthen your memory with practical techniques and skills. You can pick up the bundle on sale today for $29.99, which is 96% off the usual cost of this five-course bundle.

Upon purchasing the bundle, you gain immediate access to eight hours of instructional content designed to help you amplify your reading speed and enhance your memory. You begin to improve your reading speed with three courses that walk you through the fundamentals of speed reading. Speed reading is both a series of techniques and a practice, which means that if you want to increase your reading speed, you’ll need to devote at least 15 minutes to practice every day.

The speeding reading courses within this bundle will teach you how to identify and correct the five main reasons you read slowly (including the voice inside your head as you read this sentence). Complete the speed reading training in the bundle, along with 15 minutes of consistent daily practice, and you’ll double your reading speed.

In addition to speed reading, the bundle helps you boost your memory with science-backed mental exercises. Two courses walk you through the basics of how human memory works and introduce you to several mental practices that are proven to enhance your memory. You’ll learn how to improve your cognitive function, as well as chart your progress, and improve your ability to recall sets of terms, patterns, items, objects, and facts. By the end of these courses, you’ll be confident in your ability to retain and recall valuable information in your personal and professional life. 

The Speed Reading & Memory Mastery Bundle helps you read rapidly, take in additional information, and memorize and remember what you learn with ease. Those who want to boost their efficiency and do more with the written content all around them will enjoy this five-course bundle. Get it on sale today for just $29.99.

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Why is queer representation so important? What’s it like being trans in tech? How do I participate virtually? You can find all our Pride 2020 coverage here.

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