Do you like good things? Of course you do! Good things are good. 

Well, sorry, because this YouTube channel is here to ruin good things. 

There I Ruined It has posted just two videos in its brief existence, but both posts great. The idea is simple: take something good and hilariously mess it up. So far, the channel has dropped two straight-up terrible reimaginings of good songs. 

For instance: Do you like Nirvana? Too bad. There I Ruined It is, well, here to ruin it. They turned Nirvana’s Unplugged performance of “Come As You Are” into a just awful swing song. I mean undeniably terrible. Here it is. 

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Did you like A Star Is Born‘s smash hit “Shallow” as sung by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper live at the Oscar’s? Too bad. It’s polka now and it sucks. It’s schlocky crap. Enjoy. 

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The hilariously bad videos have racked up hundreds of thousands of views already and I, for one, cannot wait to see the terrible nonsense this channel pumps out in the future. 

WATCH: We made a social distancing slow jam with puppets

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