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Image: samsung

The news, though always generally disturbing, is doubly disheartening right now. Every new scroll through social media poses something new to be angry about, but looking away doesn’t feel right.

Being present and mindful of these events is important — but when your brain feels like it’s running like a maniacal hamster on a wheel, slowing down for your own mental health is important, too. Try virtual therapy, vent to friends, meditate, or whatever coping mechanism your schedule permits. A smart TV could help with one of these, and we don’t mean with a distracting TV show: Every owner of a Samsung TV now has free access to Samsung Health with over 5,000 hours of both physical and mental fitness content. Calm, an internet favorite sleep, meditation, and relaxation app, can now provide guided meditation that fills the room rather than just through your AirPods.

Below are our favorite TV deals this weekend. Consider donating the money you save to a worthy cause.

And here are more deals, organized by brand, then size, then price:






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