Interacting with GitHub

We can use APIs to interact with GitHub too. Keeping it simple, we’ll use the POST request to create a new repo called api_test.


First, as always, we need an authorization token. Fortunately, we can get this set up much faster than we did with the Google Maps API — you can find a step-by-step guide here.

Note that on step seven, it is entirely up to you which permissions you select — but all we will need is repo:

Screenshot during step seven of GitHub authorization token showing repo to be checked, and delete repo unchecked.
We only need repo permissions for this. I’ve avoided ticking delete_repo — it seems like a bad idea

Now, we can authenticate ourselves by adding headers={'Authorization': f'token {TOKEN}'} to our requests.

Create a repo

To create a repo, we simply send a POST request to user/repos. The only required field here is the name value, which specifies the new repo name. We also set public to true which simply sets the repo privacy settings to public — rather than private (the default).

Note that we use PAYLOAD to contain our instructions for the API, which we pass to the data argument within We also include our authorization key/token using the headers argument.


If we succeed in creating the repo, we will receive code 201 Created — indicating that the request has succeeded, and we have created a new resource.

Image for post

We can also check on GitHub, and sure enough the api_test repo is right there:

Image for post

the docs if you’d like to learn more (feel free to ask me questions too!).

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