There’s a new meme making the rounds on Twitter that asks a very important question: “Dear men, what is preventing you from looking like this?”

To take part in the meme, you simply tweet the question alongside a photo of your dream man. Or a photo of anything, really. The funnier and more nonsensical the better.

The trend was inspired by Twitter user @katiey_KE, who posted a photo of some tanned, ripped abs on May 25, and thirstily asked, “Dear men, what is preventing you from looking like this?”

After @katiey_KE’s tweet went viral, other Twitter users started putting their own comical spins on the formatting, and questioned what was preventing men from looking like actors from The Sopranos, Guy Fieri, Shrek, gorgeous book-filled libraries, Animal Crossing characters, and more.

Even some men had fun with the meme.

So what’s the deal, men? What is it that’s preventing you from looking like all these absolute goals at once? Please try harder to live up to Twitter’s ideals.

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