Sanke Eyes from the last attempt to make G.I. Joe a movie.

Sanke Eyes from the last attempt to make G.I. Joe a movie.
Image: Hasbro/Paramount

I do not know what the future will hold. But I know Snake Eyes will be in it.

As shared by the Hollywood Reporter, Hasbro and Paramount, in gearing up for the October release of Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins, are also planning the next installment in the Joe continuity. Joe-tinuity? And it’s got an interesting team behind it.


Paramount is reportedly in talks with Joe Shrapnel and Anna Waterhouse to write the next film, which will purportedly grow from the plot of Snake Eyes, not as a direct sequel sort of thing but as a continuation of the same G.I. Joe universe. The writing pair, Shrapnel and Waterhouse, aren’t known for genre fiction, but for their work on Seberg, a Kristin Stewart drama that I hear is pretty good. The pair has, however, gotten plenty of genre work lately. On top of writing the new G.I. Joe movie, they’re also working on the words for The Great Machine, which is the adaptation of Brian K. Vaughan’s Ex Machina, and Rebecca, the Netflix adaptation of the classic gothic novel. Apparently, the pair already also worked doing some polish on Snake Eyes.

Snake Eyes, starring Henry Golding (Crazy Rich Asians), will be the next in a line of attempts to jumpstart G.I. Joe as a going cinematic interest and not just an ‘80s toyetic curio. Will it succeed when it comes out on October 23rd? No idea, but Hasbro and Paramount will seemingly keep trying regardless.


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