—@rosiestonies via Instagram

Honorable Mentions:

Still, the droid’s skin was healing. —David Gerster via Facebook

“Upload Failed.” Phew, that was close. —Assa Naveh via Facebook

It exploded, but he looked hot. —Anna Rose McHugh via Facebook

She could see who had stayed. —@pameleen via Instagram

Humans. Not my best work. Still … —@gg3_scorpio via Instagram

The worst happened. Now I’m free.—@atpolinko via Instagram

At least there is no leader. —@guabo via Instagram

My mom still thinks I’m cool. —@pashutinski via Instagram

Each month we publish a six-word story—and it could be written by you. Watch for the next assignment on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, along with #WiredBackpage.

Disclaimer: All #WiredBackpage submissions become the property of WIRED. Submissions will not be acknowledged or returned. Submissions and any other materials, including your name or social media handle, may be published, illustrated, edited, or otherwise used in any medium. Submissions must be original and not violate the rights of any other person or entity.

This article appears in the September issue. Subscribe now.

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